New blog

I am starting this new blog after my last one got googled into extinction.  I have no idea why but having spent a morning trying out ways to get my old one up and running this seems the best way...for now.   Spending a few moments chatting to friends I’ve made through blogging over many years makes me happy....I live alone, I’m fairly ancient  and I am now a retired priest.
I am finding that not working every Sunday has its joys as well as some miseries. I have time to do things on Sunday like going out to see old friends, having lunch in some very odd but  interesting pubs.
As google seems to have locked me out of my origin blog  "Tregear Vean " this title covers everything. Being old is not a penance, it’s actually a joy...if you are as lucky as I am bodily as well as mentally.  I am not often rude to people but on the odd occasion when I am I get excused mostly because I’m old!
I can still do almost all  of the things I’ve always enjoyed. The exception to that is not having a dog. I’ve always had dogs but now any dog I took on would outlive me!
This weekend I set off for a cruise. Lovely. In old age I am seeing things only dreamed of previously...I really am a very lucky woman....providing I can get a blog up and running...I can but try.....with the odd prayer thrown in!


  1. I will go on using this blog because I seem not to be able to use the original one...sorry to those who have contacted me ....I have no idea why I’m not getting anywhere. I’ve jumped through all of Google’s hoops...and still I can’t get of life mysteries.

  2. Well, at least you have a blog that we can respond to. Sorry that you have been blocked from your old blog, I wonder if you will be able to download the archives and load them here? Will have a look.

  3. Now following you via blogger, hopefully this service will sort the problems with the old blog.


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